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How do you want to influence the City of Portland? Tell them your ideas - now through April 30! www.pdxengagementproject.org/survey

Portland is gathering YOUR ideas for how you want to influence the City’s decisions and direction! Join a listening session or take the quick survey to share your ideas today at www.PDXEngagementProject.org . Listening sessions are available now through the end of April!

Just a few weeks left to make your voice heard: take the Portland Engagement Project survey today! www.pdxengagementproject.org/survey

Do you live, work, or do business in Portland? The City is gathering YOUR ideas for how to improve its communication with you. You have until April 30 to influence the future of Portland’s community communication design - www.pdxengagementproject.org


Make your voice heard in shaping the future design of Portland’s community engagement framework!

Join a Listening Session or complete the 5-minute online survey for the Portland Engagement Project.

Your voice matters!